Monday, November 19, 2012

[wp8] windows phone 8 can't download app from market

I got the new lumia 920 but after I setup microsoft account, I can't download apps from market.
After surfing the net, there is one reason that the phone time is incorrect.
SO, I go to setting -> time -> and disable auto. then setup my timezone and time correctly.
I can download apps now!
what a waste of time!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

[WP8] windows phone 8 app models

2 models:
1. xaml app with c#/vb
   * reuse c++ via winrt component
   * direct3d interop
2. direct3d app with c++

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bracket names

() parentheses
[] square brackets
{} curly brackets

Monday, November 5, 2012

[WP8] html5 on windows phone 8

In current wp8 design, how to use html5:
1. in c# xaml project, add webbrowser control
2. you can only notify to c# code from javascript. you cannot access winrt API
3. you can run script or access script objects from c# code
The design is similar to webkit on android.